Okay, enough with the third-person thing. I'm Kyle. I've been working on recorded music since I was in my early teens. Like many of my peers, I got my start performing in bands from age twelve through my early-twenties. Somewhere along the way, I realized that my favorite part of being in a band was making records.

Over the past decade I've contributed to the creation of hundreds of records for both bands and solo artists alike.

I've learned from and collaborated with some of the most incredibly talented people I've ever met and even had the opportunity to spend time studying in the south of France with legendary mix engineer, Tony Maserati. 

Studio La Fabrique, France 2013

Studio La Fabrique, France 2013

Whether it's pointing microphones at a cutting-edge indie band in a multi-room commercial studio or building pop tracks with teams of writers, topliners, or the artists themselves in smaller production spaces (read, bedroom studios), I'm proficient in the technique and workflow of all modern methods of record making.

These days, I find myself serving as a mixer for many of my clients. Together, we take their finished (often self-produced) records and add the sonic polish, punch, color, and choreography that is necessary to capture the modern audience's ear and turn them from listeners to fans .. from observers to participants.

I'd love to work with you on your next project. Reach out! Let's talk.


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Interested in working together on something? I'd love to hear what you're working on.